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Edward Ross dead- what now?

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Terebostadan, Edward Ross, has been found stabbed to death. Many in the region are asking the same questions- who? what? and how?

Last year, (in real life 19th March 2023), 6 nations were struck by cyber attacks. These attacks were committed by unknown groups or forces, and struck different nations in different ways:

Cryptocurrency Heists

Meercovo, Niater, Maricoen

Government site shutdowns

Patec, Oranjehaven



These attacks were universally condemned, with the attackers acting differently in each nation:

  • In Meercovo, they attempted to withdraw over 12 billion RM of the leading cryptocurrency, but only accessed 7.5 million

  • In Niater, thousands of citizens tried to withdraw money. 572 billion RM was attempted to be withdrawn, but an intern raised the alarm after 8 million was taken.

  • In Maricoen, 100 million RM was syphoned from banks.

  • In Patec, several government websites were hit by attacks, with the Ministry of Defence being the most notable.

  • In Oranjehaven, a massive attack on the Finance Department took place.

  • In FRS, sensitive information of around 30 Ministry of Defence staff was taken, as well as official documents.

The wide range of these attacks shocked the nations, with the attackers taking an estimated 250 million worth in cryptocurrency, as well as documents and information that could be sold for millions more. The attacks would have done around 1 trillion RM in damage, had they been successful.

Just days later, the government of Patec announced it was investigating Terebostadan in relation to the attacks.

Prosecutor-General, Mishimoto Kasashi, said that:

"We—at this time—believe that we have some information concerning the organization behind these attacks—or rather, the Nation behind them. Seeing the nations hit, it’s hard not to immediately point your fingers. The entire Eastern Hemishpere (except Brunholl) has been effected and the entire Helvetti Continent. You may also notice not a single nation formerly apart of the NWTA was struck. Though FRS was in the process of joining—they never did—and we believe this in part with the assumption that the relations data stolen from FRS was used to further advance these attacks is enough to begin our own investigation. We are formally opening up an investigation into the government of Terebostadan."

This investigation has since led to a collapse in the relationship between Patec and Terebostadan, with all diplomatic relations being severed.

Since then, several nations have arrested or questioned individuals in relation to the attacks, yet no clear link was made by any nations except Patec to the attacks as coming from Terebostadan.

Patec later claimed solid evidence, to which Terebostadan said:

"Terebostadan has played no part in the cyber attacks of 2023. We believe that this was a staged attack by the Patecian and Zanjactias governments in order to sever future trade deals with Terebostadan and to legally justify Patec's removal from the oil deal. The Kingdom of Modestria and its monarchy, which has justified itself by a longstanding religious institution, is ideologically opposed to The Free Republic of Terebostadan, which is secular and therefore anti-monarchy by nature. Such accusations were carelessly thrown about without much thought by Patecian media through disinformation campaigns to rile up their people against Terebostadan. We hope to fight against this tirade."

The Citizens Council then had a motion tabled by Koki Ruka, Head of the cyberattacks investigation committee, to put Terebostadan on trial for the cyber attacks.

The CC passed the motion, 17 votes to 7, with the CSU voting entirely in favour, the Independents voting against and the 4 Mardatan representatives abstaining.

This vote in favour meant that Terebostadan could be placed on trial to see if their government was guilty or not.

Then just yesterday, it was announced that Edward Ross, Minister of Foreign Affairs in Terebostadan, had submitted to the request for a trial. He was expected to flight to Patec last night, yet this morning it was announced that Mr Ross had been found stabbed to death in Terebostadan.

Terebostadan later revealed that the stabbing took place in a car park as Mr Ross was preparing to go to the airport and fly to Patec.

This latest development has caused chaos and confusion, as Mr Ross' role in the attacks was yet to be established. It is likely that another minister from Terebostadan could be put on trial instead.

Concerns have been raised in some nations that the Committee investigating the attacks is comprised solely of CC Members from Patec, and therefore only CCP members. However, it is likely that the CSU will now request seats on the Committee.

Meanwhile, local police are investigating the death of Edward Ross and more developments are expected. Regardless of the reasons why, some suspicions are being raised that Terebostadan ordered the death of Mr Ross in order to cover up information regarding the cyber attacks.

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